
What is Reflexology?
Reflexology is an effective complementary therapy based on the principle that body organs and systems have corresponding reflexes on the feet, lower leg, hands, face or ears. When pressure is applied to those reflex points, this can affect the related area of the body. Reflexology is a holistic therapy which aims to treat the body as a whole and thus restore its balance by activating the body's natural healing powers.


Reflexology is a therapy that dates back to the ancient civilisations of India, Egypt, China and Japan. These early cultures practiced a form of reflex therapy that involved pressure points on the hands and feet to encourage good health. In the 1930s, a physiotherapist named Eunice Ingham, mapped the entire body onto the feet with the corresponding organs and glands. Ingham was instrumental in pioneering modern reflexology methods that we use today.

As prevention is better than cure, reflexology aims to do this through regular treatments so that if slight imbalances are detected, they can be corrected at the early stages thus maintaining the body's equilibrium. It endeavours to treat the root cause of illness, although reflexologists do not diagnose, prescribe or cure. 
